Prizm Content Connect
How to Convert Images

Prizm Content Connect has a built-in script to generate images (.jpeg, .png, .tiff, or .bmp) of various pages of documents. These images can be displayed within a Prizm Content Connect viewer client, or used to create applications like a thin client viewer or mobile viewer.

Related arguments include:

  • The convert2swfclient.jar file can only be run if Prizm Proxy Server service is running.
  • Java Runtime Environment 1.6 or higher needs to be installed on the machine executing the utility. 

Generating Images Using convert2swfclient

Example 1:

To create a .png image of page 1 of sample.doc:

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java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.png pages=1

To create a .bmp image of page 1 of sample.doc:

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java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.bmp pages=1

Example 2:

To create a .png image of all pages of sample.doc:

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java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.png

To create a .tiff image of all pages of sample.doc:

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java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source=/path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.tiff

Example 3:

The Watermark feature requires a full license key.

To create an image of all pages of sample.doc. and add watermark “Approved” on each image:

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java -jar <prizm-install>/convert2swfclient.jar source= /path/to/sample.doc target=/path/to/sample.png wtmtext=Approved wtmfont=Helvetica wtmsize=50 wtmalpha=70



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